Suffering in Sarajevoby Sandra Jensen |
Christmas eve a dog was found dead and brutalized by hunters. This is a
very common occurrence. Why do they do it? Because they can.
This poor dog was one of many strays that the animal welfare activists in Sarajevo feed:
are over 11,000 strays in Sarajevo. Winter is a terrible time for them
with temperatures hitting minus 20 or worse, and as always there are so
many who are ill or wounded. Jelena Paunovic
and other animal welfare activists make daily trips to feed the strays.
Last winter in Sarajevo the snow was almost two meters high and every
day they would find many dogs and cats dead on the streets, dead from
starvation or frozen to death. Funds are desperately needed to pay for
And it is not just the dogs.
is one of several stray cats near a farm in Sarajevo. The people who
feed them do not have anything other than bread to feed the cats. Cats
cannot live on bread. Jelena went there to give them some cat food. She
discovered that there are 3 females who give birth every year. Spaying
costs 40 euros (about $55 USD) and the cheapest cat food costs 1,5 EUR
per kilogram. A contribution of 120 Euros (about $165 USD) will mean
that dozens of kittens will not be born to suffer a life of neglect,
starvation and abuse. Please help.
NOTE: if you make a donation for a specific cause, please email us or note it in the comment box in PayPal.
Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.
Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.
Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.
If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cat or situation, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.
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