Friday, February 14, 2014

An emergency of Life and Death??

We often see pictures of dogs or cats that have been abused,  burnt, poisoned, hit by cars and it breaks our hearts. 

The more the pictures show of the hurt animal the deeper we dig into our pockets to help, but what happens to these animals after the hurt is healed, and the pictures we see are of a happy loving animal…

Do we turn our backs because there is no emergency?   

Do we forget  - stop loving and wanting to help.  

 There are many loving caring people in Eastern Europe who want to help. People who take in as many animals as they have room for, but shortly with out the help you once gave these wonderful people…the animals will suffer again… why you may ask the emergency is over. In Eastern Europe, jobs are scarce, wages are low and most are living a poverty level society.  They hardly have money for their human families, much less the animals families they don’t want to see killed or starving in the streets.

Private shelters like the one who’s video I’m sharing with you…. Need your help to keep feeding the dogs and cats.   

No it is not an emergency of blood and guts  but it is an emergency just the same  With out proper food it is an emergency of Life and Death. 

You can help by donating   Donate once or weekly or monthly. I may not think a Euro is much so how can that help? But if 50 people gave one euro each,  or a thousand gave one euro each  think of how many dogs and cats could be saved.

 Fedin's Private Shelter  

 A home for 68 Dogs needs your support.

Please donate at PayPal account:

Fedin has created a video of his shelter to show you happy healthy Dogs  and wonderful person  Dean has put music to it.

Please enjoy:


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