Dalida-Kozlic-Lawyer-and Animal-Activist
Lawyer at Advokatski Ured/Law Office and Activist, rescuer, lawyer at Animal rights activist.Dalida has90 dogs and 8 cats that have been rescued from the streets. Some are kept at her parents home. Some are in pensions.

Dalida has been having problems raising the full amount of money she needs to feed, shelter and have medical attention for these animals, and I can not understand why..At the drop of a hat Dalida will step in when a Lawyer is needed to defend a animal rescuer in Sarajevo courts.. But it is like the supporters have forgotten how hard she works to help animals.
1. Her YC page for pension fees:
2. Her YC page for food:
3. There are twi dogs needing special care at the vets clinic:
One of the items that have happened that she desperatly needs help with: Copied from her post:
Please read carefully and help if you can...
While my parents and I are struggling to keep saved animals safe and
fed, my dad has been informed about badly injured dog in Breza. An
unknown driver had hit a dog and left him to die on a road in Breza.
Local people had called the police station to ask what to do with the
dog and police officers called a vet who worked in Public Company
Veterinary station Breza. That vet refused to help the dog so my dad was
called to help.
After he had found the dog, he took him to the private veterinary station in Sarajevo. Injuries are awful. This sweet boy has two fractures of front leg and two fractures of a hind paw including a fracture of a hip which is the most severe injury so the question is if the vet will be able to save the hind leg. The dog is waiting to be operated. The most awful thing was that he had been hit at 3 o'clock a.m. and no one wanted to help him until my dad was called at 10 o'clock a.m. so the injured dog spent 7 hours on the cold road in pain. He was in shock and had hypothermia when my dad took him. Of course I have made a huge mess to the director of the veterinary station and I will report him and his colleagues to the inspection.
I will need your help to pay all costs for him. The wires will be put in the front paw, Haris the vet will try to do the same thing with the hind paw and the hip. I don't know how much the operation will cost. As soon as I get that information I will set up YouCaring page. Also I will need help to pay medications food and place for this boy.
PayPal account is eldar.kozlic1@gmail.com (Please mark for the badly injured dog) All donations to Dalida's paypal: eldar.kozlic1@gmail.com must be confirmed
These are the constant things that people in Sarajevo ask Dalida and her family to help with..
After he had found the dog, he took him to the private veterinary station in Sarajevo. Injuries are awful. This sweet boy has two fractures of front leg and two fractures of a hind paw including a fracture of a hip which is the most severe injury so the question is if the vet will be able to save the hind leg. The dog is waiting to be operated. The most awful thing was that he had been hit at 3 o'clock a.m. and no one wanted to help him until my dad was called at 10 o'clock a.m. so the injured dog spent 7 hours on the cold road in pain. He was in shock and had hypothermia when my dad took him. Of course I have made a huge mess to the director of the veterinary station and I will report him and his colleagues to the inspection.
I will need your help to pay all costs for him. The wires will be put in the front paw, Haris the vet will try to do the same thing with the hind paw and the hip. I don't know how much the operation will cost. As soon as I get that information I will set up YouCaring page. Also I will need help to pay medications food and place for this boy.
PayPal account is eldar.kozlic1@gmail.com (Please mark for the badly injured dog) All donations to Dalida's paypal: eldar.kozlic1@gmail.com must be confirmed
THE THING I DO NOT UNDERSTAND Is that she hasn't been getting the donation she needs
the pension fees are 2060.00 but has only been given 463.00 euros as donations 1,577.00 euros is still needed. Now it is April and her bills should already have been paid!
then there is the Food request:
She needs 1000.00 but only 446.00 has been donated WHY.. Again I do not understand... This is dog and cat food they must eat to live ... Please!
Now the two special needs dogs: The Bill is 230.00 euros - this one is much better she was given.. 153.00 euros so needs only 77.00 euros..
But just think all these added together is a huge amount that she can not raise with out you...
Please Help...Give a donation!
Do you know how to confirm a donation?? Both Edina's and Dalida's accounts needs to be confirmed:
It is critical that you confirm your donations after you have sent them to someone's PayPal.
Otherwise they must wait a whole month before the money is available to them.
About a minute or two...after you have made your donation, go to your PayPal account. Please click on 'Summary' and the click on the donation you just made.
Scroll down until you see 'See Details On Classic Site'(right side). Please click on this and this will take you to a new page.
Please click on 'Confirm' and when this takes you to the next page, please click on 'Yes'.
Please do this a couple of times to make sure that the donation is confirmed.
(NOTE FROM ME.. I HAVE HAD TO DO IT 10-20 times.. when confirmed it will only have thank you for using Pay pal...)
She needs 1000.00 but only 446.00 has been donated WHY.. Again I do not understand... This is dog and cat food they must eat to live ... Please!
Now the two special needs dogs: The Bill is 230.00 euros - this one is much better she was given.. 153.00 euros so needs only 77.00 euros..
But just think all these added together is a huge amount that she can not raise with out you...
Please Help...Give a donation!
Do you know how to confirm a donation?? Both Edina's and Dalida's accounts needs to be confirmed:
It is critical that you confirm your donations after you have sent them to someone's PayPal.
Otherwise they must wait a whole month before the money is available to them.
About a minute or two...after you have made your donation, go to your PayPal account. Please click on 'Summary' and the click on the donation you just made.
Scroll down until you see 'See Details On Classic Site'(right side). Please click on this and this will take you to a new page.
Please click on 'Confirm' and when this takes you to the next page, please click on 'Yes'.
Please do this a couple of times to make sure that the donation is confirmed.
(NOTE FROM ME.. I HAVE HAD TO DO IT 10-20 times.. when confirmed it will only have thank you for using Pay pal...)
please she needs the money to pay the bill or they will be killed!