Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Tuesday -Please feed them.!


Click there to Give It's FREE

Really its free and you will help all my friends, who have no homes. It has been almost four years now, But I remember it well. It was the middle of the night and my momma heard me crying. I was so lost.I couldn't find my kitty mommie and my brothers or sisters. I was all by myself. My human momma lives back in the woods and I just know one of those coyotes would have ate me if momma hadn't come outside and got me. I was so scared. I asked her to let you all known you can feed my friends for free if you click on that link.  What's nice is that there is no junk attached to that link.  My momma calls me grandma, because there are three generations of children here. All in all there are 10 of us. and there is CoCo our dog too. but we don't need food momma keeps us fed well, it is all my friends I'm so worried about. Tuesday is a good day to be kind!

Thanks Grandma.

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